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Sony TC-H7700D


Brand: Sony

The Sony TC-H7700D is a high-end cassette tape deck that was introduced by Sony in the late 1980s. It is part of Sony's "HC" (High Compatibility) line of equipment, which allows for playback and recording of a wide variety of tape formats, including standard cassettes (type I and II), chrome tapes, and metal tapes.Some features of the Sony TC-H7700D include Dolby B/C/S noise reduction, an ultra-smooth motor system, a digitally controlled tape transport, and dual capstan heads for precise tracking and playback. The deck also has high-output amplifiers for improved sound quality, as well as a user-friendly LED display for easy operation.The Sony TC-H7700D is considered a classic piece of audio equipment by many audiophiles and collectors. Its high build quality, exceptional sound performance, and advanced functionality have earned it a cult following among vintage audio enthusiasts, and it continues to be a prized item for those with a passion for high-fidelity audio.

  • Type: auto reverse, 2-head, single compact cassette deck
  • Track System: 4-track, 2-channel stereo
  • Tape speed: 4.8 cm/s
  • Heads: 1 x record/playback, 1 x erase
  • Motor:
  • Tape Type: type I, CrO2, Metal
  • Noise Reduction: B, C
  • Headroom Extension: HX Pro
  • Wow and Flutter: 0.06%
  • Distortion:
  • Frequency Response: 30Hz to 16kHz
  • Signal to Noise Ratio:
  • Analogue Inputs: 300mV (line)
  • Analogue Outputs:
  • Dimensions:
  • Weight:
  • Year: 1992
  • Price:

Sony TC-H7700D

Sony TC-H7700D

Sony TC-H7700D

Sony TC-H7700D

Sony TC-H7700D

Sony TC-H7700D
