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Fisher 701


Brand: Fisher

The Fisher 701 is a radio transmitter designed for use in television broadcasting. It is part of a larger system known as a television studio transmitter link (STL) that allows for the transmission of program content from a broadcast studio to a transmitter site for final transmission to viewers. The 701 is noted for its reliability, high power output, and compatibility with a variety of broadcast standards, making it a popular choice in the broadcast industry. Some of its key features include:- Frequency agility: The 701 is capable of operation in a range of frequencies, including UHF, VHF, and mobile TV (MST3), making it adaptable to different broadcast environments.- High power output: With a maximum output power of up to 50 watts (W), the Fisher 701 is capable of delivering strong and reliable signals over long distances.- Radio frequency shift (RFS) capabilities: The transmitter supports RFS functionality, allowing for frequent and fast channel changes without any service disruption.- Built-in GPS receivers: The 701 incorporates GPS receivers to facilitate automatic frequency and time synchronization, providing accurate and reliable signals for broadcast transmissions.- Compatibility with different broadcast standards: The transmitter supports various broadcast standards such as DVB, TDT, and DVB-T2 to ensure versatility in broadcast applications.In summary, the Fisher 701 is a versatile and reliable radio transmitter designed for use in television broadcasting applications. Its features, including frequency agility, high power output, RFS capabilities, and compatibility with multiple broadcast standards, make it a trusted choice for broadcasters worldwide.

  • Tuning range: FM, MW
  • Power Output:
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz
  • Distortion:
  • Speaker Impedance:
  • Input Sensitivity: 2.7mV (mm), 200mV (line)
  • Signal to Noise Ratio:
  • Line Output: 200mV (line)
  • Dimensions:
  • Weight:
  • Year: 1971
  • Price:

Fisher 701

Fisher 701

Fisher 701

Fisher 701

Fisher 701

Fisher 701

Fisher 701

Fisher 701
