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Fisher CC-7000


Brand: Fisher

The Fisher CC-7000 is a high-end analog air-band communication system designed for use in aviation, marine, and other industries that require reliable voice communication for safety and operational purposes. Some of its key features include:1. Air-band frequency coverage: The system covers a wide range of air-band frequencies, enabling communication with ground and airborne stations.2. Simultaneous reception and transmission: The CC-7000 allows simultaneous reception and transmission of voice signals, ensuring crystal-clear communication.3. Dual modulated squelch: With dual modulated squelch, the system automatically selects the stronger signal, ensuring clear audio.4. High-performance, low-noise audio: The CC-7000 features high-performance, low-noise audio components, ensuring clear and intelligible voice communications.5. Intrinsically safe (IS) capability: Suitable for use in explosion-prone environments, the intrinsically safe (IS) variant of the CC-7000 ensures safety for users and equipment.6. Wide dynamic range: With a wide dynamic range, the CC-7000 delivers clear audio even in high-noise environments.7. Ergonomic design: The CC-7000 is designed with a large, easy-to-read display, ergonomic controls, and a durable, lightweight construction.Overall, the Fisher CC-7000 communication system is a reliable, high-performance solution for demanding voice communication needs in industries such as aviation, marine, and industrial settings.

  • Preamp Output: 1V
  • Frequency Response: 10Hz to 30kHz
  • Distortion:
  • Gain:
  • Input Sensitivity: 2mV (mic), 2.7mV (mm), 150mV (line)
  • Signal to Noise Ratio: 70dB (mm), 100dB (line)
  • Line Output: 150mV (line)
  • Dimensions: 450 x 135 x 265 mm
  • Weight: 4.5 kg
  • Year: 1978
  • Price:

Fisher CC-7000

Fisher CC-7000

Fisher CC-7000

Fisher CC-7000

Fisher CC-7000

Fisher CC-7000

Fisher CC-7000

Fisher CC-7000
