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Fisher 800-B


Brand: Fisher

The Fisher 800-B is a vintage analog tape recorder that was produced by the Fisher company in the 1960s. It belongs to the high-fidelity (hi-fi) category of tape recorders, which were designed for home use and offered superior audio quality compared to earlier models.The Fisher 800-B features a four-head design, which means it has four tape heads: two for playback and two for recording. This allows for dual-playback, where two sources can be played simultaneously, or dual-recording, where two tracks can be recorded independently.Other notable features of the Fisher 800-B include:- 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) reel-to-reel tape format, which offered higher audio quality than the popular 1/4-inch format.- Tandem, cross-record operation, which allowed for left- and right-channel recording on separate tapes.- Transport controls, including fast-forward, rewind, and slow-speed recording modes.- AC/DC capabilities, which made it convenient to operate in areas without access to an electrical outlet.Overall, the Fisher 800-B was a high-end tape recorder that offered advanced features and exceptional audio quality. It was popular among audio enthusiasts, musicians, and professionals in the recording industry during its time. However, the rise of digital audio technology in the 1980s and '90s led to the eventual decline in demand for analog tape recorders. Today, vintage models like the Fisher 800-B are sought after by collectors and audiophiles who Appreciate their rich, warm sound and historical significance.

  • Tuning range:
  • Power Output:
  • Frequency Response: 25Hz to 25kHz
  • Distortion: 0.5%
  • Speaker Impedance: 4 to 16Ω
  • Input Sensitivity: 3.3mV (mm), 230mV (line)
  • Signal to Noise Ratio: 66dB (mm), 80dB (line)
  • Line Output:
  • Dimensions:
  • Weight:
  • Year: 1961
  • Price:

Fisher 800-B

Fisher 800-B

Fisher 800-B

Fisher 800-B

Fisher 800-B
