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Audio Research M-300 (mkI)


Brand: Audio research

The Audio Research M-300 (mkI) is a high-end vacuum tube integrated amplifier that was originally released in the late 1970s. It is a significant piece in the history of Audio Research, as it represents the company's first integrated amplifier and is widely regarded as a classic in the audiophile community.The M-300 (mkI) features a design that places a strong emphasis on simplicity and quality. It is built using high-quality components, including matched pairs of rare Mullard tubes, and features a simple two-stage analog circuitry with no feedback. This design approach enables the amplifier to deliver a rich, full-bodied sound with an exceptional level of detail and clarity, making it a favorite among audiophiles who prefer a warm, natural sound.One of the unique features of the M-300 (mkI) is its power supply, which is based on a dual-transformer design. This design provides a robust and stable supply of power, which helps to eliminate noise and distortion, resulting in a clean and dynamic performance. The amplifier is also renowned for its build quality, featuring a solid construction and high-quality materials, including heavy-gauge aluminum and thick glass capacitors.Overall, the Audio Research M-300 (mkI) is a highly respected and collectible piece of audio equipment that continues to be sought after by audiophiles and enthusiasts today. Its combination of advanced design, exceptional performance, and timeless aesthetic have earned it a place in the pantheon of audio history, and it remains a testament to the enduring quality of Audio Research's products.

  • Power Output: 300W (mono)
  • Frequency Response: 10Hz to 60kHz
  • Distortion: 0.5%
  • Damping Factor: 30
  • Speaker Impedance: 1 to 8Ω
  • Input Sensitivity: 1.5V
  • Signal to Noise Ratio: 90dB
  • Dimensions: 480 x 270 x 410 mm
  • Weight: 50 kg
  • Year: 1987
  • Price:

Audio Research M-300 (mkI)

Audio Research M-300 (mkI)

Audio Research M-300 (mkI)

Audio Research M-300 (mkI)

Audio Research M-300 (mkI)

Audio Research M-300 (mkI)

Audio Research M-300 (mkI)

Audio Research M-300 (mkI)
